Cancellation Policy

1.1 Cancellation
Once your order is confirmed, it generally cannot be cancelled. However, if any item on your order is unavailable, we will contact you to provide the option to cancel the entire order. In such cases, you will be entitled to a refund according to our refund policy.
We reserve the right to cancel your order under the following circumstances:
– The designated delivery address falls outside our delivery zone.
– We are unable to reach you by phone to confirm the order.
– Delivery is hindered due to insufficient information, direction, or authorization from you.
– All items you ordered are unavailable at the time of booking the order.
– Circumstances beyond our control or attributable to the Vendor prevent us from fulfilling the order.

Refund Policy

1.2 Refunds
You may be eligible for a refund in the following situations:
– The packaging of your order is tampered with or damaged upon delivery.
– We cancel your order due to your delivery location falling outside our designated zones, failure to confirm by phone for order confirmation, or similar circumstances.
– You cancel the order at the time of confirmation due to unavailability of the ordered items.
Refunds are granted at our discretion and are considered final.

Payment on Delivery

1.3 Payment on Delivery
If you choose to pay on delivery, you will not be required to pay for:
– Orders with packaging that has been tampered with or damaged by us.
– Incorrect orders delivered.
– Items missing from your order upon delivery.

Terms of Service

2.1 Our Responsibilities
We do not take responsibility for the services or goods provided by the Vendor, including any discrepancies in meeting your requirements or causing any loss, harm, or damage.
We are not liable for the availability or unavailability of certain items on the menu.
We are not responsible for the Vendor serving incorrect orders.

2.2 Menu and Price List
The menu and price list available on our services are based on information provided by the Vendors. We are not liable for any changes, cancellations, or unavailability of items.

2.3 Service Availability
Our services may not be available if your delivery location is outside our current service scope. We will inform you if this is the case during the order confirmation process.

2.4 Delivery Time
Delivery periods provided to you are approximate estimates and may vary. We are not responsible for any delays in the delivery of your order.

2.5 Delivery Address
We will deliver your order to the address you designated during the order placement. We reserve the right to cancel the order if there is a change in the delivery location, and no refund will be provided without exception.

2.6 Providing Directions and Instructions
You are responsible for providing accurate directions, information, and authorizations to accept delivery. Failure to accept delivery or provide appropriate instructions may result in the goods being considered delivered, and no refund will be provided. Our decision in this matter is final.

2.7 Our Liability
Our liability ends once your order has been delivered to you.

2.8 Services Provided
You confirm that we are not responsible for any deficiency in payment for the goods purchased through our services.
Each purchase on the service may have specific instructions for redeeming the services, governed by these Terms of Use and any other relevant terms. Failure to redeem services within the specified time frame or in accordance with the terms may result in no credit, refund, or cashback for the value of the goods sold.

2.9 Use of Credit/Debit Cards
When making a payment, you must provide correct and accurate credit/debit card details that belong to you. You should not use someone else’s credit/debit card. We will not share your information with any third party unless required for fraud verification or as required by law. You are solely responsible for the security and confidentiality of your credit/debit card details.

2.10 Refunds
We do not offer refunds for goods already purchased unless an error directly attributable to us occurs during the purchase.

2.11 Accuracy of Information
While we strive to provide accurate information on our services, errors may occur. In such cases, we may contact you with further instructions.

2.12 Use of Services at Your Own Risk
By using our services, you accept that you do so at your own risk.

2.13 No Endorsement
We do not endorse any Vendor, and we are not liable for any actions or omissions of other Members or third parties. Any claims or liabilities should be directed towards the responsible party.

General Terms of Use

3.1 Age Restriction
Only individuals aged 18 years or older may use our services. If you are under 18, your parents or legal guardian must acknowledge and agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy for you to use the services.

4.2 User Identification and Security
You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your user identification code, password, and any other provided information. We reserve the right to disable your account if you fail to comply with these Terms of Use.

4.3 Compliance with Applicable Laws
You agree to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines when accessing and using our services.

4.4 Use of Services
You are responsible for the use of the services through your computer or mobile device. You should inform all individuals accessing the services on your computer or mobile device about these Terms of Use.

4.5 Costs and Access
You are responsible for the costs of accessing and using our services. We are not liable for any costs incurred.

4.6 Promotional SMS
By using our services, you agree to receive promotional SMS messages from RoyalCurrie. If you wish to opt-out, please email us at

4.7 Assignment and Transfer
You cannot assign or transfer the contract between you and us to any other person.

This rewrite maintains the structure and details of the original content while aligning with the policies and practices of RoyalCurrie in Singapore.